Saturday, March 28, 2015

Theme: Event!

Oh boy did I struggle with this one, since I really had no events going on this week. There is a Robin that I think sees reflections of trees in our window. It flies into our window trying to land over and over for hours. That seemed like my biggest event this I tried to get some pictures of it but couldn't sneak up well enough with my giant camera. So a few more days went by and I kept walking around outside trying to find some inspiration. I looked the word up in the dictionary and pondered a bit more. I finally came up with a picture of my calender, because that is where I write down all of my events. I didn't want personal things showing so I decided to use my tablet calender where I have nothing in there. It took me many shots to figure out how to set this up. The screen on my tablet kept reflecting things in the house and that looked bad to me. Also the tablet by itself looked so boring and blah. This is what I came up with for "event".

Thursday, March 19, 2015

This Week Is Green!

Unfortunately I have missed a couple of weeks :( For good reason, we are trying to sell our house so we can get a new to us house which we are pretty excited about. Our house was not really ready to put up for sale so it has involved a lot of work these past few weeks.
Needless to say the show (photo journey) shall go on....
This week was appropriately themed "green". With St. Patrick's Day upon us this week and the 5th year anniversary of my sometimes Irish and sometimes Scottish grandmother's passing it seemed appropriate to try and take some pictures of "green" clovers. We have a couple patches of them out in our grass. I looked through them and for some reason this one stood out to me. Warren didn't like it's look with the holes and such, but for some reason that is what I like about it plus the slight brown coloring on the edge. It just caught my eye out them all. Hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day!