Saturday, March 28, 2015

Theme: Event!

Oh boy did I struggle with this one, since I really had no events going on this week. There is a Robin that I think sees reflections of trees in our window. It flies into our window trying to land over and over for hours. That seemed like my biggest event this I tried to get some pictures of it but couldn't sneak up well enough with my giant camera. So a few more days went by and I kept walking around outside trying to find some inspiration. I looked the word up in the dictionary and pondered a bit more. I finally came up with a picture of my calender, because that is where I write down all of my events. I didn't want personal things showing so I decided to use my tablet calender where I have nothing in there. It took me many shots to figure out how to set this up. The screen on my tablet kept reflecting things in the house and that looked bad to me. Also the tablet by itself looked so boring and blah. This is what I came up with for "event".

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