Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 8 ~ Awake

When I read the theme for this week a few things popped into my head right away. One was of the kiddos or the dog waking up. The other was all the spring flowers that have awaken from the ground due to all this unusual nice weather. I decided to go take some pictures of the flowers. Jacob was out there with me using the camera from his leap pad tablet taking all the same pictures as me. He was trying to get in all the weird positions I was getting into to get the right angle and grunting, twisting, and turning. He was so proud of his pictures, it was pretty cute. I am going to put the picture that I used for this week and then a few other ones just for fun, it's nice to see some color on the ground again!

                                                     The spring flowers are "Awake"

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